Thursday, November 13, 2008

Now you see this entry in my blog will show Thursday, but really in my world it is still Wednesday. Yup its 3:51 in the morn bout my typical time to start thinking about going to bed.

Have been up torching glass. Making some funky heart beads and some focal beads.

If there is any too interesting I might just post a pic or two.

I will be posting a promotion for my blog very soon, so stay tuned.


angelinabeadalina said...

LOL, your description of setting up your blog sounds just like me...anything slightly new or different whatsoever, and it takes me all day to figure it out! You've done the hardest part, though, so it'll be easy from here on out :) Look forward to seeing pics and hearing thoughts!

jennifer said...

Ooh how great to see you angelina! I have always been a big fan of your glass sculptures! Glass sculptures and me OMG how scary. Unless big blobs of glass are considered works of art. I think I will keep doing my beads. Cheers